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New website!
Our new website has launched! We’ve been working hard on getting the presentation of each episode to be more connected with the overall design of the site. Included in this update is a more straightforward blog format as well as fully integrated video pages. We have also updated the copy and format of the about and participate pages and hope to add features as time goes on.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to send us an email at info [at] typesetting [dot] tv.

More episodes coming
We have more episodes coming as well! Two in particular: Warsaw, Poland and Budapest, Hungary. Stay updated on twitter to see when these videos launch!

More good stuff is on the way! Stay tuned…


Oh the things we do for graphic design…

The internet is great. It really is. It connects us in ways that no one previously thought was possible. As designers, at any moment in time, we can go to a countless number of “design inspiration” sites and look at someone’s work from across the globe. We can see their style, their talent and what they’ve made.

As a young designer, I couldn’t get enough. But gradually, as I looked through design inspiration websites day after day, I realized I wasn’t really thinking about each design. It seemed so superficial; looking at jpg after jpg, passing over each one briefly and being “inspired”. It seems laughable to me now. After all, can we really be inspired by 150x150px squares?

Don’t get me wrong; it serves a purpose (helping spark visual ideas), but I couldn’t help but feel like I needed something more. I wanted to see where these pieces were created. I wanted to meet the people who made the designs and hear the stories behind the work. I wanted to see the cities that they lived in and hear about the history behind their style. (more…)